PRESS RELEASE 2/24/00 In the beginning, Orville Floyd of Windermere, FL teamed up with Robert Baslee of Holden, MO to create the "Flying Bike". In an effort to consolidate manufacturing and sales of Para-Cycle products, we are formally merging all Para-Cycle orders and business to Robert Baslee's Airdrome Aeroplanes (http://www.airdromeaeroplanes.com). He is in the process of designing and producing the long-awaited two seat Para-Cycle training aircraft. Stay tuned for up-coming details of this new development. Additionally, Aerodrome will be handling the day to day business of Para-Cycle Inc. Please direct all correspondence through Airdrome. Airdrome Aeroplanes is also responsible for bringing eight other replica aircraft to market over the last ten years. Thank you all for your continued interest in the Para-Cycle. We feel this is the most positive news to come from Para-Cycle Inc. since its very beginnings in 1997. Orville Lee Floyd III |
Copyright ©2000 Para-Cycle, Inc. All rights reserved. |